Previous Episode: Finance & Activism

On the cusp of a new moon, a group of HATCHers — seekers,
adventurers, and innovators — took a trip down the Nile in search of paths both into the heart of some age-worn darkness and outward beyond the confines of their modern vernacular. They found a way forward by looking back, way back, to a time that holds more technological, spiritual, and social curiosities than answers. In this place, floating down the spine of the earth through Egypt, the mother’s belly, they embraced the divine feminine and all that she whispered of joy, of power, of emotion, of hope. Here, host Tate Chamberlin and guests Annie-Laure Fernandez and Abdelmoety Elbhrewy revisit that trip down the Nile, through the cradle
of humanity, and into an introspective realm of head and heart, one that marries the stars above to the dirt below, the male to the female, the East to the West, the indelible past to the ineffable future that is destined to repeat it.