Next Episode: Guns :: S01E02

Interchange is a humanities project. It introduces contrasting, sometimes polarizing, ideas into the same pot and gives them a stir. “We don’t necessarily need a solution when we’re finished,” remarks Tate Chamberlin, “though a good mind flush of new ideas and creativity can offer wisdom and perspective to our own process and development.” By doing so, Interchange creates a level platform for history, politics, religion, philosophy, criticism, ethics, self-consciousness, reason, creativity, human values and aspirations. Addressing multiple topics, provoking thoughtful dialogue and uniting people socially, Interchange harnesses the communion inherent in conversation to create strong communities empowered by similarities, rather than divided by differences.

An integral component of Interchange, Xchange is a moderated, talk show-style event that invites artists, activists, entrepreneurs and community members with differing perspectives to come together in thoughtful dialogue. The public is cordially invited to participate and be heard, fostering positive growth, communication and acceptance within the community.

The entire event is recorded and developed into podcasts – available at – to further broaden the reach of these important conversations and invigorate communities throughout the United States and the world.

Panel Includes:
Jeannie Brown: Commuity at Large
Stephen Zabawa: SafeMontana
Bobby Devine: Spark1
Tayln Gabriel Lang: Cannabis Advocate
Kathryn Mazurek: STAGE 3 Breast Cancer Patient
Dan Dunlap: Former DEA Agent

Produced by: Dylan Jesse, Justin Wayne & Tate Chamberlin
Music: Nintendeaux & Dubuddha
Moderator: Tate Chamberlin & Greg Smith