Born in New York City and currently residing in South Florida, multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter Emmanuelle Sasson asked her father if she could take guitar lessons when she was just 6. When he said yes, Emmanuelle practiced for hours upon hours until “I had to dip my fingers in ice water because they burned so much.”

Emmanuelle was seven when she started singing and became a young songwriter by the age of fourteen. That same year, she was diagnosed with severe Scoliosis followed by a back surgery. The emotional and physical change brought down her mental state. Her escape was listening to music by some of her favorites artists; a memorable time when she started to further develop her musical taste.As for her songwriting, Emmanuelle turns every day challenges and pain into her inspiration. “Every time something not-so-great happens in life I just think to myself, ‘It’s okay, I’ll write a song about it.’ Songwriting is my therapy. It helps me release any emotions I don’t know how to express just by speaking. That’s why my songs are so dark. It’s the side of myself that I don’t often show to other people. I'm an open book, but I don’t let everyone read the chapters.”

Now, Emmanuelle is preparing to release her new focus track and video for “it’s not me,” which will be released in August. “I wrote ‘it’s not me’ when I was fourteen in front of a piano with nothing but a simple melody stuck in my head. I was angry and confused at something that now, is really not a big deal, but it was at the time. I’ve always had a personal struggle with indecisiveness, and it’s not because I’m a Libra (maybe it is, but I’m sure there’s another reason). I have an ongoing internal war between my head and my heart.