Laura Mustard is "eager" to share that she is releasing her second single off of her upcoming EP project, Treehouse. Laura calls her new song, "Eager," "a song about celebrating your mistakes." Self-acceptance and making friends with yourself are important practices for the Nashville-based pop/folk artist, and these themes show up frequently on the Treehouse EP project. 


Mustard combines her pop tongue-in-cheek songwriting with her Motown influences to create this light-hearted track. Laura learned to sing by singing along to songs by Sam Cooke, Smokey Robinson, and Marvin Gaye (along with other Motown and R&B artists.)  She explains, "Some of the first songs I covered in high school were Motown classics, so it's fun to let those influences shine in this new song, 'Eager." 


Important links: 
Website: You can stream or purchase my singles wherever you listen to music online: (Spotify, Itunes, Apple Music, Amazon, Tidal, GooglePlay, etc.,) can watch my new music video on my official VEVO channel here:    Listeners can also find the "Treehouse" Music Video on my website ( or by searching "Laura Mustard Treehouse" on YouTube.