Eddy Mann's a... musician, songwriter, worship leader, teacher, speaker, coach, husband, and father... whether you know him as one or more of these people, you know his heart; you know his love for life.

Though his past has been playful and colorful at times, it also has been constant in its vision. It's always been a vision of hope, peace and understanding through the eyes of a loving heart.

Eddy's led worship for over fifteen years. As a musician and songwriter it was twenty years ago that he made the decision to offer his creative gifts to God. Since then he's released seven CD's and written countless songs for the church and world at large. On any weekend you can find him in a coffeehouse, in concert, at a conference, and/or leading worship.

His greatest earthly joy is his family... his wife Susan, daughters Ashley and Maddy, beagle Molly, g-kids Joey, Layla and Lexi and his sponsored children Emerita and Adjoint.

A new album, The Consequence, the follow up to 2014's Dig Love, is currently wrapping up sessions at this writing. It once again touches on the theme of a peaceful and loving existence, while delving into the the consequences of our actions. Musically it continues down the path that Dig Love charted staying close to the americana, roots rock, and singer-songwriter traditions. Look for a fall 2016 release date.

“You, You Make Me Feel” is currently at americana radio everywhere, charting on the New Music Weekly country charts.  “Something Beautiful and New,” from his September 6th anthology release, RE: Prize is following suit in the NMW Top 70.


twitter: @eddy_mann

facebook page: eddymann.musician

instagram: @eddy_mann