We do a deep dive into the murky waters of measuring babies! It's a slightly longer than usual episode, but its all relevant and we do reach a clear conclusion eventually - stick with us!

Despite some VERY different practice across trusts nationally, there is excellent and very clear guidance from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) on exactly when we should be measuring what; how and why we should be doing it.

Spoiler alert - it might just surprise you to hear just how frequently (or rather, infrequently) we are supposed to be measuring babies!

Have a listen in and maybe share with your colleagues - is your trust's protocol and practice in line with the RCPCH guidance? If not why not? Send us an email to [email protected], tweet us @IamaHV message us on Facebook at 'I am a Health Visitor' and let us know what you think.