Previous Episode: Head Circumference
Next Episode: #Replay Bronchiolitis

#Replay! This summer we are taking the opportunity to put a spotlight on some of our favourite older episodes which we feel are still incredibly useful for HVs today. If you are a relatively new listener, we hope you will enjoy this curated list of some of our best ones!

To kick it off, this #Replay was first released in January 2018 and was our very first ever guest!

Bridget discusses her experiences with health visitors and how we can help women share how they are truly feeling. We talk about what we should (and shouldn't!) say and do when someone tells us they're having a really bad time, how to use scales like the Edinburgh Scale, the PHQ-9 and the Wholly Questions, how feeding issues and reflux or colic can impact on mood and interventions such as listening visits.

We talk about our own experiences in practice, the Nice Guidance on Perinatal Mental Health and Bridget talks from her own lived experience and those of the other women shared in her book.

As ever, give us a shout if you have any thoughts or comments to [email protected] on Twitter @IamaHV or on FaceBook at I am a Health Visitor.

Bridget's book is excellent and is available at Amazon on the following link:…on/dp/1853432202

NICE guidance on Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health:…df-35109869806789