Jenny and Amy chat to the lovely Stella Parkin from the Lullaby Trust. In a really broad and interesting interview Stella shares with us lots of information and guidance for health visitors on having informed, non judgemental and helpful conversations with parents and caregivers about SIDs and safe sleep and how to support a family in reducing the risk to their baby on any given sleep occasion.

We also chat about the upcoming Safe Sleep Week starting next week on the 15th March and the theme of that week this year which is dads and coparents.

Finally, we end with a brief overview of the wonderful CONI scheme - what it involves, how it operates and the rationale behind it.

Feel free to email us with questions or comments at [email protected], we love to hear from you

Resources and Further Reading:

Lullaby Trust Webpages:

Training joint with Basis:

CONI scheme:

Baby Check App by the Lullaby Trust: