The lovely Alina joins us from ERIC - the children's wee and poo charity to talk all things bladder and bowel. In this episode we focus on toilet training, constipation and nighttime dryness. Alina gives us loads of really fabulous information based on her extensive experience as well as the latest research. For me to be honest, chatting with Alina was a bit like being on an episode of QI - everything you think you know is wrong!

Although lots of health visitors are now likely spending less time talking to parents about toilet training and our nursery nurse colleagues may be taking on more of this role, recording this chat reminded me just how complex and important these issues can be for families and I certainly learnt loads from Alina.

We talk about lots of myth busting around common questions - when should parents start thinking about toilet training and how do you know the child is 'ready'? What is the first line treatment for constipation according to the NICE guidelines? Is dietary change the best solution? You might be surprised by some of the answers, I certainly was!

We would love to hear from you with any suggestions or comments to [email protected]

Resources and further reading:

ERIC website and helpline:

ERICs guide for children with additional needs:

ERIC resources and guides:

Intake and Output chart to help parents know if their child is 'ready':

ERICs 'Children who will only poo in a nappy and other toilet avoiders':

ERICs guide to children's bowel problems:

NICE guidelines for childhood constipation: