Ivermectin and COVID 19: World Health Organization New Recommendations. What you should make of these new guidelines. Thanks for listening!

NIH Antivirals that are approved or under evaluation for COVID-19

*Vitamin D HOME TESTING KIT here (Deficiency is less than 30 ng/ml and Optimal=50-60 ng/ml for the general public, ask your doctor what's good for you.)


Ask your doctor if you would benefit from any of the following vitamins or supplements that could reduce severe COVID symptoms:
Vitamin C with rose hips, Zinc, D3 & K2, Magnesium or this one, B complex, Elderberry, Probiotic or this one, Melatonin, *Quercetin, Braggs Nutritional Yeast, Apple Cider Vinegar, and NAC.
*Quercetin may be contraindicated in people with thyroid disease. Ask your doctor and get a TSH, FREE  T3  & T4 , and aTPO before use.

US validated devices (list of validated blood pressure monitors)


Best thermometer
2nd best thermometer
An accurate Pulse oximeter (If you have COVID-19, seek medical help if less than 95% at rest after 1 minute, which could mean you have pneumonia)

Don't forget to sign up for the vsafe.cdc.gov/en/ when you get your COVID19 vaccine to help the CDC collect accurate data on the side effects and safety of the vaccine.  Report any side effects you may have to vaers.hhs.gov
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace medical advice. Affiliate links support the podcast. Thanks for your support!