Dan Murray-Serter is a spiritually curious serial entrepreneur who loves animals. 

“I'm not afraid to try something and shut it down. I've had eight companies, I've had to shut down five of them. So I failed a bunch of times.”

Dan’s also the host of the UK’s number one business podcast, Secret Leaders, co-founder of Founders, a private network of incredible founders, and writer at Forbes. His current venture - Heights, is a company he co-founded to tackle his own mental health and combat his chronic anxiety and six-month-long insomnia.

“Someone recommended I see a dietitian, and the dietician diagnosed me in seconds, she prescribed me supplements, and I was like, Oh, no, supplements don't work. But the supplements worked really quickly, within a week, and I was sleeping like a baby and my anxiety had gone away.”

In this latest episode of Hyper Curious, you'll learn about why you need to do more of the things that feed your soul and give you energy. You’ll get a better understanding of the concept of brain care and how much nutrition impacts our mental health. And finally, Dan explains the importance of being an outsider asking the most basic questions and following your curiosity to make great products.

“In our genuine stupidity, our total lack of category understanding meant that we were like, well, let's just ask all the questions from the ground up and go from there. And what ended up is a totally different product to anyone else in the market.”

This is a fantastic episode jam-packed full of brain care advice and startup advice. Don’t miss out, download and listen today. 

On today’s podcast:

Link between nutrition and mental healthAsk the dumb questionsTime boxing to keep focusedEmbrace failureHow to combat brain shrinkageMental health care at work


Twitter - @danmurrayserterLinkedIn - Dan Murray-Serterwww.yourheights.comSecret Leaders

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