Do you have a deep self-awareness of who you are? Do you respect your boundaries? Do you know what makes you productive? What makes you happy? What makes you be the best you can be on a day to day basis? 
On today’s episode is Amy Landino, content creator, YouTuber, founder of multiple media companies and author of two books. Amy is on a mission to help people go after the life they want. 
“So I am a woman with a purpose of helping people go after the life that they want. To take control of the things that are controllable in their life.”
If you want to know how to get out of your rut, how to accomplish things for yourself, not for the likes or praises of others, and most importantly how to define what you want and why you want it, listen to Amy share her many pearls of wisdom in this latest episode. It’s incredibly insightful, packed full of simple takeaways that everyone listening can easily implement, even just once a week, to make a huge difference to their lives. 
“Early on I learned the benefit of teaching somebody the benefit of what you provide, which is why when I introduce myself I say, ‘my name is Amy, my purpose is to help you go after the life you want’. We can get into the minutiae and the details of that later.”
On today’s podcast:
How she started down the entrepreneurial road
Why running made her uncomfortable
Her biggest a-ha moment
Defining your why and knowing when you’ve nailed it
How to go after the life you want
Calendar blocking and setting boundaries

Gatluw House
YouTube video - Master Calendar Blocking 
Book - Good morning, Good life