Norway-based Brim Explorer started from a passion for the ocean. While working in Arctic ocean tourism, Brim Explorer’s co-founders, Agnes Árnadóttir and Espen Larsen-Hakkebo, saw the challenges presented by polluting, noisy and poorly designed ships that lessened the guests’ experiences and harmed the environment.

With an idea and dedicated partners, they set out to build a ship unlike any the world has seen. In March 2018, Agnes and Espen teamed up with designer Einar Hareide, the shipyard Maritime Partner and a team of daring suppliers to build a unique platform for ocean experiences.

In this episode, host Halvor Molland is joined by Agnes and Espen from Brim and our own market manager Thomas B. Svendsen in Hydro’s Marine & Offshore business to talk about Brim's project and discuss the use of aluminium in marine applications.