
Dr. Lynn Keenan: HV50 Celebration Opening Remarks

November 21, 2018 01:09

Dr. Lynn Keenan: HV50 Celebration Opening Remarks Lynn Keenan, MD welcomes attendees to the HV 50 celebration and introduces Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone: Humanae Vitae: A Truth Ever Timeless, Ever New

November 15, 2018 23:08

Humanae Vitae: A Truth Ever Timeless, Ever New We can see God’s ingenious design for our happiness and flourishing in the very way He created us, even in the very design of our bodies. Trying to redesign it according to our own whims only brings woe – the Garden of...

Prof. Janet Smith: The Genesis and Aftermath of Humanae Vitae

November 15, 2018 23:00

Janet Smith: The Genesis and Aftermath of Humanae Vitae Humanae vitae was promulgated in one of the most tumultuous decades in the history of mankind, a decade characterized by rebellion and revolt against authority. Vatican II seemed a game changer in bringing the Church into the modern world. To some...

Deacon William V. Williams, MD: Medical Consequences of Contraception: How Sterilizing Steroids Disrupt the Body, Mind and Spirit of Women

November 15, 2018 22:57

Deacon William V. Williams, MD: Medical Consequences of Contraception: How Sterilizing Steroids Disrupt the Body, Mind and Spirit of Women Persons are made up of a profound unity of body, mind and spirit and when one of these is perturbed there are invariably consequences that effect the entire person. The...

Panel: Modern Methods of Natural Family Planning

November 15, 2018 22:54

Panel: Modern Methods of Natural Family Planning Experts representing a variety of methods of natural family planning offer a a brief introduction into the options available for healthy, effective, natural methods of monitoring and tracking fertility. Moderator: Lynn Keenan, MD Featuring Pam and Alt Birdsall, Diane Daly, K.C. Schnitker, and...

Dr. Christopher Kaczor: The Good of Procreation

November 15, 2018 22:50

Dr. Christopher Kaczor: The Good of Procreation While it may seem obvious, couples and society actually often operate form a very different premise, and this presentation will talk about why procreation is a good thing for parents.

Steven Mosher: Humanae Vitae was right: Governments are Using Contraception (and Sterilization and Abortion) to Control Their Population

November 15, 2018 22:49

Steven Mosher: Humanae Vitae was right: Governments are Using Contraception (and Sterilization and Abortion) to Control Their Population Pope Paul VI warned in Humanae Vitae that governments would misuse artificial contraception for purposes of population control. This prophesy has come true with a vengeance not just in China, but in...

Panel: The Many Faces of NFP

November 15, 2018 22:48

Panel: The Many Faces of NFP Natural Family Planning services can be integrated in a wide range of venues, each setting offering their own advantages,and often reaching different audiences. In this session there will be an opportunity to learn from the experiences of 1) nurse, 2) physician, and 3) pastor,...

George Weigel: John Paul II and the Integrity of Love

November 15, 2018 22:46

George Weigel: John Paul II and the Integrity of Love Theology of the Body and Familiaris Consortio as the mature response of John Paul II to the cultural crisis caused by the contraceptive pill and its effects — and the roots of that response in both his pastoral work with...

Patricia Sandoval: Healing the Wounds of the Contraceptive Culture

November 15, 2018 22:45

Patricia Sandoval: Healing the Wounds of the Contraceptive Culture The story of a personal journey: Healing from the ravages of growing up in a Planned Parenthood indoctrinated contraceptive culture.

Thomas Hilgers, MD: One Physician’s Response to the Pastoral Directives of Humanae Vitae

November 15, 2018 22:44

Thomas Hilgers, MD: One Physician’s Response to the Pastoral Directives of Humanae Vitae Dr. Hilgers reviews some of the difficulties and positive outcomes over a lifetime dedicated not only to the development of natural methods, but also the development of a whole new women’s health science: NaProTECHNOLOGY®

Panel: Empowering Young Women through Cycle Literacy

November 15, 2018 22:43

Panel: Empowering Young Women through Cycle Literacy Young women educated to understand their own bodies in the context of fertility appreciation—-cycle literate young women—-are empowered by this knowledge, and better equipped to confidently respect the nature of the design. Moderator: Suzanne Spence, RN Brenda Cerkez

Prof. Janet Smith: The Good News and Bad News Regarding Humanae Vitae

November 15, 2018 22:42

Janet Smith: The Good News and Bad News Regarding Humanae Vitae Fifty years after the promulgation of Humanae Vitae, there is reason to be optimistic – the efforts of many people and programs are bringing the good news about God’s plan for sexuality to more and more people in the...

Christopher West: Total Eclipse of the Body: How We Lost Sight of the Meaning of Sex, Gender, Marriage, and Family AND How to Regain it

November 15, 2018 22:41

Christopher West: Total Eclipse of the Body: How We Lost Sight of the Meaning of Sex, Gender, Marriage, and Family AND How to Regain it In our post-sexual revolution world, we are experiencing a total eclipse of the meaning of the body. A darkness has been cast over our humanity...

Fr. Paul Check: Charity and Chastity: Pastoral Care Reflections On Contraception and Homosexuality

November 15, 2018 22:40

Fr. Paul Check: Charity and Chastity: Pastoral Care Reflections On Contraception and Homosexuality The doctrinal and moral teachings of the Church are the foundation and path for a fulfilled human and Christian life. This talk examines how pastoral care validates the Church’s teaching on sex.

Panel Discussion of Unprotected

November 15, 2018 22:40

Panel Discussion of Unprotected This is a panel discussion that took place after the world premiere of the film Unprotected. The moderator is the writer and director of the movie, Don Johnson. The panelists are Janet Smith, Jennifer Roback Morse, and Patrick Coffin.

Pia de Solenni, SThD: Pope Paul VI and His Vision for Humanity

November 15, 2018 22:39

Pia de Solenni, SThD: Pope Paul VI and His Vision for Humanity Pope Paul VI authored the controversial encyclical Humanae Vitae in 1968. Within the Catholic Church, this led to a tremendous lack of confidence in papal authority, resulting in a majority of Catholics rejecting the Catholic Church’s teaching on...

Panel: Effective Diocesan Ministry Through Sharing God’s Vision of Married Love

November 15, 2018 22:38

Panel: Effective Diocesan Ministry Through Sharing God’s Vision of Married Love This session explores the central elements of effective diocesan NFP ministry. It will focus upon leading with God’s vision for married love. The discussion will provide an overview of diocesan NFP ministry in the United States and highlight NFP...

Christopher West: Theology of the Body and the New Evangelization: How John Paul II’s Spousal Theology Empowers Us to Proclaim the Gospel to the Modern World

November 15, 2018 22:37

Christopher West: Theology of the Body and the New Evangelization: How John Paul II’s Spousal Theology Empowers Us to Proclaim the Gospel to the Modern World John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is most often framed as a catechesis on marriage and sexual love. It is that, but, through...

David Calavitta: Finding Victory in a Pornified Culture

November 15, 2018 22:36

David Calavitta: Finding Victory in a Pornified Culture It’s no secret that society is being shaped more and more by the invasive presence of pornography. Not only is pornography now more readily available than ever, it’s terminology, philosophy, and lifestyle are flooding vast areas of culture like tidal waves. As...

Panel: Inspiring and Equipping Engaged and Married Couples to Live Faithful to God’s Design

November 15, 2018 22:35

Panel: Inspiring and Equipping Engaged and Married Couples to Live Faithful to God’s Design Three dioceses share their experience introducing engaged and married couples to Natural Family Planning, and engage participants in adapting these strategies to their own ministries and circumstances. Moderator: Steve Patton Featuring Mario Martinez and Alice Heinzen

Lindsay Fay and Gian Gamboa: Inspiring Sexual Integrity in Young Adults

November 15, 2018 22:34

Lindsay Fay and Gian Gamboa: Inspiring Sexual Integrity in Young Adults Why does happiness and love so often seem unattainable? Why do the self-serving promises of today leave our lives colorless, ugly, and unfulfilled? Lindsay and Gian open up the world of beauty found in a life of virtue, particularly,...

Fr. Luke Dysinger, OSB, MD: Using Amoris Laetitia in Defense of Life and NFP

November 15, 2018 22:33

Fr. Luke Dysinger, OSB, MD: Using Amoris Laetitia in Defense of Life and NFP Discussion of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia has become increasingly heated in recent months in a Catholic culture that can only be described as increasingly polarized. This has led to a simplistic all-or-nothing approach regarding...

Panel: Transforming a Medical Practice to a Contraception Free Zone Specializing in Authentic Women’s Healthcare

November 15, 2018 22:32

Panel: Transforming a Medical Practice to a Contraception Free Zone Specializing in Authentic Women’s Healthcare Seeing the wisdom and beauty of the teachings of Humanae Vitae can be a process, with bumps and detours, and in this session we gain insights into the journey, through personal witness of those who...

Patrick Coffin: Humanae Vitae: Back To the Future

November 15, 2018 17:37

Patrick Coffin: Humanae Vitae: Back To the Future The message of Humanae Vitae is a message of humanity, totality, faithfulness, and fecundity. The truth of its norms are not dependent on shifting opinions or moods, but rooted in the way men and women are made by God, who is love....

HV HERO Program and 2018 Calegari Award Recipient

November 15, 2018 01:12

HV HERO Program and 2018 Calegari Award Recipient Sheila St. John hosts the closing banquet of the HV50 Conference, celebrating Humanae Vitae Heroes. Archbishop Salvatore Cordilone presents the Calegari Award to Janet Smith, PhD.

Dr. Ray Gaurendi: Laughter: the Sanity of Family

November 15, 2018 01:03

Dr. Ray Gaurendi: Laughter: the Sanity of Family Parents are having their confidence, peace of mind, and authority undercut by a number of widespread myths that have been pushed upon them by the experts, the media and almost everybody else. Victimized by these false notions, many parents and educators are...