We have some serious issues to diagnose and treat if we want to be a state that truly thrives again. A pandemic ravaged our most vulnerable populations in congregative care and our Governor took no pinpointed actions to stop it. As our cities burned, our brave and capable State’s National Guard soldiers were forced to sit on the sidelines by our governor. As the science told us we could safely reopen small businesses and schools, our current administration sided against responsible business owners, parents, and children. Our kids were locked out their schools while children in our neighboring states and local private schools attended full time and in person. Within Minneapolis public schools our inequities have grown deeper. Within our schools, political indoctrination seems to be prioritized over real education; our parents are being left out of the equation! And our tax dollars are being wasted on daycare fraud and rampant abuse.

Excel Roofing
Excel Roofing

Gene German
Certified Firearms Instructor - Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida

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