With many of today's industry leading studios closing up shop for one reason or another we are left with a lot of questions. Why are they closing? What does the future hold for design agencies? Funsize sits down with Greg Storey, former President and Partner at Happy Cog, to discuss.

Show Notes

00:00 Introductions
02:20 News of the design agency being dead
04:00 The client is changing
15:30 The big small shop, design agency sizes today
20:40 Differentiate? Price, specialization, and great client experience
26:20 Distributive team? Play Halo
31:25 Teehan+Lax, what's an agency actually worth?
38:54 Career ceilings at agencies


Greg on Twitter @brilliantcrank
The Bureau of Digital Affairs
Airbag Industries
Teehan+Lax closing its doors
San Francisco Design Agencies Feeling the Squeeze by Peter Merholz

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