Guigo Sanchez is the Creative Director at THIRD EAR — previously known as LatinWorks — an agency that specializes in creating advertising for the U.S. Hispanic audience. Born and raised in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, he is the husband of Mari Chamoun (Managing Director at Funsize), and father to Julia Elena Sánchez Chamoun. After completing his psychology degree in Puerto Rico, Guigo moved to Austin to study advertising and decided to stay forever (for now). He enjoys dad life, music, computers, food and personal finance.

In this episode, we discuss:

How studying psychology affects advertisingSpeaking to different audiences and cultures in advertisingThe top skills needed for creative directingImagination as a skillHispanic marketing and advertisingMaintaining belief in the value of creativityThe temporary nature of advertising and designWhat does "partner" mean in the advertising worldCommitment in professional relationshipsThe emotional operations of an organization

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