Do you know your product and how to get exposure for it? Jordan Menashy VP of Marketing and Co-Founder of talks to us about marketing a product. Rick and Danielle from Funsize ask questions from a non-expert perspective.

Show Notes

00:00 Introductions
05:41 Activating a marketing engine
08:00 Determining product market fit can only be accomplished by launching
09:25 Launching: Store up some "big reveals" when rolling out to keep the momentum going for the first few months
15:10 Approach a mentor and don't waste their time, have questions ready!
19:00 Use google analytics, there is no secret tool, just hard-work and good analysis
23:29 R&D vs Engine
25:30 Good marketing is about good methodology not false promises
27:00 You need to allow for failure so you can learn how to make it work
28:00 Getting started: Get a target customer acquisition cost (CAC) and find a channel that works for you. That channel can be converted into an engine, then you want to refine that engine with R&D
35:00 Get your engines running and check against your business metrics
36:35 Rick misunderstands marketing...
37:11 Examples of engines that work and don't work for
39:00 How do you get started with no experience and little marketing budget?


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