A lot of entrepreneurs are wearing a hundred hats of responsibilities just to be able to thrive. We’re also pressured to do all the things in a snap and have everything done perfectly with very little time that we end up procrastinating and even burned out.

Today, we’re joined by Vikki Louise a feminist time coach to give us tips and tactics on how we can do more in less time and focus on the tasks that matter while living our best life and enjoying being an entrepreneur.

Episode Highlights

03:25 - Importance of taking time off
12:52 - How to cut your to-do list in half
13:53 - Identifying what to prioritize in your business
19:20 - How to treat your time properly
20:08 - Hiring and delegating
22:07 - Respecting your body and energy when it comes to work

About Vikki

Vikki is a feminist time coach and reformed hustler doing ALL the things turned Time Hacker. Like so many of you, she was the Queen of procrastinating, only to then become the Queen of hustling. Today, Vikki's hacked the system to achieve more in 50% of the time and now helps procrastinating hustlers create more success and more joy.

You can check her through her website www.vikkilouise.com and also connect to her via Instagram @feministtimecoach.
You can also check her podcast Hack Your Time Podcast.

About Your Host

Jacinta Gandy is passionate about small business and a champion of women’s entrepreneurship. She’s the founder of Social Circle, a full-service creative studio specializing in bold, beautiful branding and web design for driven women entrepreneurs.

You can learn more about Jacinta at
– Follow on IG at jacinta_gandy

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