Instead of our regular podcast this week Hunting Seasons would like to highlight the most recent episode of The Gays are Revolting podcast, which discusses systemic racism in the police force with indigenous journalist Allan Clarke. It’s an honest and frank discussion, one which highlights the blatant devaluing of aboriginal lives, the lack of empathy for indigenous victims of police brutality, and the failings of all white Australians to take notice and demand change.

Follow Allan Clarke for updates on his work via Twitter:

Thank you to The Gays Are Revolting for conducting and letting us share their interview with Allan Clarke. TGAR is a weekly dissection of social and cultural issues relevant to queer men. Find more episodes via or Apple Podcasts:

Brod and I have had many conversations about how we can show our support for the Black Lives Matter movement, people of colour all over the world, and of course the indigenous people of the land where we live; whose lives have been affected by our ancestors and by our own complacency every day. 

Brod and I both agree that the best thing we can do in the present is promote indigenous voices, offer resources for education, and suggest causes you can support financially.

We ourselves are open to more suggestions. As white people we are conscious of our privilege and are dedicated to furthering our education and using the power that we have to do as much as we can.

For those that are looking for more content we suggest the books: 

'Dark Emu' by Bruce Pascoe, 'Welcome to Country' by Marcia Langton'Too Much Lip' by Melissa Lucashenko'The Swan Book' by Alexis Wright. 

There are so many more, so please take the time to discover indigenous writers. 

If you want to give money there are plenty of great organisations and causes. Some that I would suggest are: 

FreeHer on GoFundMe, which helps free Aboriginal mothers who are imprisoned for unpaid fines: Aboriginal Legal Service, which is an Aboriginal community controlled organisation providing community justice services and legal practice services to all Victorian Aboriginal communities (there are equivalent services for other Australian states and territories): the Record - Addresses the root cause of indigenous incarceration and works to prevent imprisonment: Connections - Works with those that have been impacted by the justice system or child protective services: Peoples Disability Network Australia - Its purpose is to promote respect for human rights, secure social justice, and empower First Peoples with disability to participate in Australian society on an equal basis with others:

There are so many worthy causes, foundations, and organisations out there. We implore all white Australians to pay the rent.

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