Welcome to Hunting & Fishing BC, my podcast about fishing, hunting and other wild pursuits in British Columbia and western Canada. I’m Robert Koopmans. I’ve hunted and fished in BC for more than 30 years, and come to love everything about this province and all it has to offer.

This year, I’ve teamed up with Randy Nelson, a retired fisheries officer and a skilled hunter with a lot of wisdom and experience to share. We’re going to chat through the coming months about a wide range of topics related to wildlife, hunting and fishing.

If there’s a specific topic you’re interested in, let us know, we’ll see what we can do. If nothing else, send us an email letting us know how we’re doing. Reach us at [email protected] … 

Today, Randy and I talk about taxidermy, what is a trophy and why hunters like to have animals mounted. It’s a controversial topic for some anti-hunters who see heads on walls as a some kind of terrible display of all that is wrong with hunting.

The reality is though, the reasons why people seek out a taxidermist to mount an animal are more complex and much more personal than claiming  bragging rights. Mounting an animal is usually more about respect for the wildlife and a way to remember special events as it is about displaying trophies.

We reached out to BC taxidermist Lino Grifone to talk about the work he does, and the things hunters need to do to ensure an animal they want mounted gets to the taxidermy shop in the best condition possible, There is lots to know, and many little tricks an tips that will make the difference between a quality mount and one that ends up in the garage.

You can find Lino’s website at http://grifonetaxidermy.com.


Thanks for listening to this week’s episode. If you want to share a thought, send us an email at [email protected] …  I’m Robert Koopmans, thanks again, and we’ll catch you next time.