Welcome to Hunting & Fishing BC, my podcast about fishing, hunting and other wild pursuits in British Columbia and western Canada. I’m Robert Koopmans and on the podcast, I chat with people about the activities we love,,,.

It’s been a while since my last chat with someone, almost a year actually. I’ll blame a pandemic, a new job and lack of time as the reason. However, I’m back again in 2022 to continue on. Through this year, I’ll talk with a variety of outdoors folk but especially with Randy Nelson, a retired fisheries officer and avid hunter who’s agreed to help me keep this effort going.

Randy is also a writer, and his second book about poaching in North America is expected to be released later this year.

This time around, Randy and I talked about ice fishing for Kokanee, one of the more worthwhile outdoor pursuits we can find in our area at this time of the year…. 


Thanks for listening to this week’s episode. If you want to share a thought, send us an email at [email protected].  I’m Robert Koopmans, thanks again, and we’ll catch you next time.