Quick recap on the Oct. meeting of the Calif. Fish & Game Commission discussing a proposed regulatory change to provide Elk, Deer, Sheep and Antelope hunters some recourse when public land closures impact their hunts. This is a big move from CDFW and F&G to both acknowledge an issue impacting thousands of hunters, and then to move forward with long-term regulatory changes which impact affected hunters in a positive way. 

This is a short episode, but there is a lot of material that you should review - become informed and communicate to F&G what you think about these regulatory changes.  Finally - thank Backcountry Hunters, California Deer Association, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Wild Sheep Foundation for their support of these regulatory changes. 

Call to action: read the proposed regulations and let Fish & Game know what you think. If you're in support, they need to know. If you are not in support, they need to know!  EMAIL Fish & Game Commission. 

Calif. Fish & Game Commission

Notice of Proposed Changes (11/2/21)

Proposed Changes to Regulations – Tag returns and point & fee refunds

Hunting Ain’t Easy – Instagram

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