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Peter Schorch hunkers down with Bill Carlson, Tampa City Council member and Tucker/Hall communications firm president.

Carlson, a father of three boys, talks distance learning from the perspective of a parent, finding the silver lining in the lessons it affords kids. Technology is the future of business and kids are getting a front row seat to how that works.

Carlson, a seasoned traveler, also talks about his experiences abroad pre-coronavirus and how different cultures can be applied to solutions during the virus.

The two also discuss poverty and its exacerbated effects during a pandemic. Even before the virus, poverty was rising as others thrived and the middle class shrunk, even if slightly, Carlson said. He talks about why he thinks the economy needs to focus on more than just the real estate market to bridge that gap.

Carlson also envisions a new way of working in the future. Peter optimistically envisions a Pinellas County that emerges better than ever as South Florida bound travelers head to its beaches instead because it wasn’t plagued by the virus during the pandemic.

Listen also as Carlson talks about when the virus really hit home for him and talks about what he’s missing, but also what he’s enjoying.