Rikhard continued the Healing Series with powerful message about how deliverance is needed for some people to find healing.

Message Notes:

There are 25 instances in the Gospels where Jesus healed or resurrected one or more people.

Out of 25 instances, 4 was by casting out an unclean spirit.
1. Epilepsy
2. Mental disorder
3. Mute
4. Epilepsy

There are three main reasons that hinder us from receiving our healing;
1. Faith
2. Sin
3. Evil spirits

Matthew 9:32
How can I know if someone has a demon? How can I know if a certain manifestation is demonic?

It doesn’t matter who in a family has a demon - demons can jump from some to another

Some demons are smart, others are extremely stupid

Agents of the devil - what are they and what’s their purpose?

Demons always try to avoid the main conflict where they have to get out.

There is a spirit of sickness - it primarily causes fear of sickness.

The walls of Jericho today are coming down!

For more information:

#hungrygen #healing #deliverance