In Episode 73 of Fireside Chat, we open the show by addressing last Wednesday's EPIC (but not entirely unexpected) news: Sam Claflin was cast as Finnick Odair! Finally, after over a MONTH of rumors and speculation, it's now official! Finnick Watch 2012 has officially ended and Hunger Games history has been made. We share our opinions of Sam and this casting decision and also talk about what fan reactions have been like thus far. After getting all of our Sam/Finnick feelings out, we revisit the non-exclusive DVD/Blu-ray special features and discuss them all in-depth now that everyone has had a chance to watch them. NEXT week, on Episode 74, we'll take a look at the special features that can only be found on the Target, Walmart, and iTunes editions of the movie. We cap off the show by pulling a few fun topics and questions out of our topic cornucopia!