Running a business is tough, but running two takes something special. And launching that second one in the midst of a global pandemic—now that's a challenge of Herculean proportions.

For Lauren Simonis, overcoming such challenges—and coaching others to do the same—is all in a day's work. 

On this week's episode, Lauren shares her experience working as an Entrepreneurship Coach online and starting Cozy Yoga + Community in Porto, including: 

How Lauren transitioned from helping African entrepreneurs at a non-profit in Arizona to coaching founders around the world from Porto.How Lauren's experience as a coach helped her in building a physical business, Cozy Yoga + Community.The differences between starting a digital business and a brick & mortar one.The importance of being adaptable in 2020.The benefit of leaning on crutches as you take on new risks.How to navigate the emotional challenges of running a business, especially when things get dark.What was difficult about moving abroad, and why ultimately it was worth it.

You can find out more about Lauren on her site.

And if you're ever in Porto, Portugal, be sure to swing by Cozy Yoga + Community.