Next Episode: About Hundreds of Ways

2020 has been a change-filled year. While change can bring difficulty, it can also open us to new opportunities. These shake-ups offer a chance to make drastic changes in our lives under cover of greater trends. Whether you're one of the 30 million Americans who lost their job due to COVID, one of the 200 million worried if yours is next, or just one of the 850 million full-time workers unsatisfied with their careers worldwide, there has never been a better time to become an entrepreneur.

If none of those categories describe you, good for you! But if you're looking for something more out of your life, we want you to know that there are other ways of living—not just one, but hundreds.

We believe in entrepreneurship. And we believe that everyone is capable of being an entrepreneur—some of us just need to find our way. Join us as we sit down with those who have already found which of the Hundreds of Ways belongs to them.