Coronavirus, Trump's malfeasance, the market crash, Trump's Europe travel ban, and what a REAL response to COVID-19 would look like

The post Humorless Panic appeared first on HUMORLESS QUEERS.

Coronavirus, Trump’s malfeasance, the market crash, Trump’s Europe travel ban, and what a REAL response to COVID-19 would look like, from a health perspective and an economic one.


Demands from Grassroots Organizers Concerning COVID-19

To Cancel Student Debt, You Don’t Need Congress

Here's the last 8 days of US #covid19 testing mapped to Italy's numbers starting on 2/22. The trend looks awful similar.

— Eli Pariser (@elipariser) March 11, 2020


The post Humorless Panic appeared first on HUMORLESS QUEERS.

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