Existing health and economic disparities are crushing. The virus is making things a million times worse. Also: a call to action to free people from cages during the pandemic.

The post FREE THEM ALL (e79) appeared first on HUMORLESS QUEERS.

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Existing health and economic disparities are crushing. The virus is making things a million times worse.

Who has to work right now? Who can work from home? Who has lost their jobs? Massive overlap between people of color and service workers. Massive overlap in NYC between neighborhoods with lots of people of color, COVID-19 infected people, and people who work in the service industry.

We start off with the EARN IT Act, legislation that would give the government a backdoor to kill encryption.  We also discuss how Congress picked winners and losers in their student debt relief in the third coronavirus package. And we put out a call to action to free people from cages during the pandemic. And Alexis discusses Trump manipulating the stock market with lies about oil production cut “deals” between Russia and Saudi Arabia that…didn’t exist.


New York State Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou’s speech on why she was voting against Cuomo’s budget to cut medicaid during a pandemic: https://twitter.com/NelStamp/status/1246164294867312640. Chip her $5 here.


The EARN IT Act Violates the Constitution

A barrel of oil is now cheaper than a pint of beer in Canada

Organizations nationwide are pushing to free people from ICE and criminal detention. Here are ways you can take action in New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington DC, collated by abolitionist leader Mariame Kaba:

Take action in Washington DC — call script & social media kit at http://bit.ly/freedcnow
Take action in New York at http://freethemall4publichealth.org ; https://twitter.com/RAPPcampaign/status/1245715054420471809?s=20;
Illinois https://twitter.com/endmoneybond/status/1245754631726059520?s=20 and https://t.co/GYQcDrxurM?amp=1
Pennsylvania: https://twitter.com/AmistadLaw/status/1245328246364868608/photo/1
Detention Watch’s call for action on immigration detention: https://twitter.com/DetentionWatch/status/1245697633865383936/photo/3
Virginia: https://twitter.com/LaColectiVA703/status/1245712537515167744/photo/1
Nationwide action to Free Them All: https://twitter.com/ElizaApologist/status/1245729136854867969/photo/1
Ohio: https://twitter.com/freethemall614/status/1245455162099064832/photo/1

The New York State Budget is a Failure, Data for Progress, by Ricky Silver and Shannon Stagman

Andrew Cuomo Exploits Coronavirus Panic to Push Bail Reform Rollback in New York, The Intercept, Nick Pinto

Coronavirus: US accused of ‘piracy’ over mask ‘confiscation’

The Pandemic is  a Portal:
“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.

We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.” —Arundhati Roy

The post FREE THEM ALL (e79) appeared first on HUMORLESS QUEERS.

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