Humboldt Last Week = quick local stories. Stream and download.

In the latest episode (5:48): A chat with Eureka lawyer Fred Fletcher, who’s repping Humboldt local Emma Nation in a case that may’ve partially prompted stories like this one from Fox Business: “White House to unveil federal cannabis reform 'very soon,' says GOP lawmaker.”

Nation believes when the FDA approved a cannabis-derived medication the feds acknowledged marijuana has medical value and her eviction related to the plant was unlawful.

The feds are scheduled to answer the lawsuit on December 19.

Other stories in Episode 102

McKinley statue meddling ahead of a big vote in Arcata, Humboldt now has a comedy club in Eureka thanks to Savage Henry, a proposed wind farm viewable from Rio Dell could be huge economic boost, some name proposals for on-site cannabis cannabis shops in Eureka,
in Lawson homicide coverage KQED interviewed an ex-local who says she was attacked and called the N-word on the bus here, stunning mountain lion shots, a proposed wind energy farm on the ocean here made the New York Times, and much more.

Humboldt Last Week also includes additional crime updates, some lightheartedness, new music picks, event suggestions, more top stories, and social media giveaways. It additionally airs throughout the day Mondays on 99.1 KISS FM.