Zoe is from the 'ecological land cooperative' (ELC) - a 'Not For Profit' trying to solve some of the problems of excessively large farms, often mono-culture dominated and using too many chemicals, having a very detrimental impact on the land and ecosystem.

I speak to many people being inspired to enter the world of hospitality, not only to sell better quality more ethical food to the consumer, but also interested in how to grow this food and actually produce it in the first place.  If you're interested in how to have a positive impact on the food you buy, or how it is grown, you will enjoy this weeks conversation.

The ELC want to see a living, working countryside where land is valued as a way to enhance the good of community, countryside and the natural world. Revitalising rural economies.  

They want to see low-impact, land-based livelihoods flourish. The stewardship of land to create healthful, wholesome and ecologically sound food and land-based products that benefit people and the biosphere.

And they do this in a number of ways, that starts with buying land and finding stewards who want to set up their own business.  They help spread the cost of this land over a number of years and help the new stewards with planning to actually be allowed to live on the land whilst they regenerate and farm it.

I think ELC is great NFP.  Not only does it have great aspirations, but it already has a number of successful farms up and running and actually making a difference.  But it is early days and so much more can be done.  I hope some of you listening to this conversation will be inspired to want to set up your own small scale business on a piece of land.  But many of you will want to support the incredible work this charity does.  And even more of you will think about where you are buying your food and where you can support a local veg box scheme.

For further inspiration check out the movie 'the biggest little farm' or 'kiss the ground'.  

Read more about the ELC on the web.  And here are a couple of other great sources of info that crops up in our chat:

https://landworkersalliance.org.uk/ https://communitysupportedagriculture.org.uk/