Spotlight on another team member. In addition to being an ace developer, he's got the wilderness skills that most of us only see on the Discovery channel.

Chris Troutner adds tremendous value to and the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. We talk about why bitcoin is important to him.

Related to economic freedom is his personal freedom in the natural world. Living on a sailboat, a paragraph from his blog says a lot:

I’m getting ready to install 1000 watts of solar panels in order to power a chest freezer. I’m building a micro-root cellar to protect homemade wine and canned goods from both the summer heat and the winter freeze. And I’m building out a grid of self-watering garden beds. This summer I’ll be experimenting with cob and building a 1/6th scale model of a wood-fired, five-person hot tub. I’m looking forward to sharing all of it here on the blog.

A fascinating conversation with a true renaissance man.