Paul Puey, founder of Edge, thinks differently than most engineers. Having spent time in observing consumers running businesses like nightclubs and climbing gyms, he unconsciously thinks about the end user.

Cryptocurrency companies need to be connected to their users. Paul is one of these rare people that always has an opinion that you didn't see beforehand.

An enlightening conversation on the hidden risks of bitcoin storage and how to think about future cryptocurrency adoption.

01:37 - Paul Puey, short bio and how he got in the cryptocurrency world.
04:03 -Been the technical guy in a no-technical business.
07:45 - Get crypto use and how to solve one of the biggest security issues in cryptocurrency.
11:04 - Developing products “Out of sight, out of mind."
13:12 - Is Edge wallet safe to hold large amounts of crypto?
17:49 - How should crypto be used?
19:35 - Store of value as a concept and the stability question.
26:35 - One of the biggest shifts in financial history.
30:50 - “Forking is freedom.”
36:46 - “You are the Edge of the network.”