In this episode, we welcome Dr. Lyle Berkowitz, CEO of Back9 Healthcare Consulting, to share incredible insight on virtual health. 

Patient Care Should be Automated (1:30)
In 2013, Berkowitz published a blog post that outlines his vision for telehealth in 2025. Compared to many industries, healthcare has been resistant to automated care forcing our physicians to continue doing paperwork instead of practicing at the peak of their license.
Reference: health finch

The Three Categories of Virtual Health (7:57)
There are many names for telehealth, but Berkowitz prefers the term “virtual health,” which encompasses any care that is non-face-to-face. He divides virtual health into three categories: synchronous, asynchronous, and autonomous.

The Three R’s of Telehealth (17:42)
With a staggering rise in telehealth visits during the pandemic, one may wonder if it’s sustainable or if humans will naturally try to avoid virtual health. Berkowitz shares the 3 R’s that drive telehealth adaptation (or not): reimbursement, regulatory changes, and regularity.

How to Virtualize Non-Primary Care (25:07)
Berkowitz shares ways that types of care such as physical therapy, nutrition, and mental health are virtualized. He specifically shares examples of the ways that access to virtual mental health care result in improved mental health outcomes.

Cultivating the Skill of Problem-Solving (29:28)
In reference to his book, The Healing Edge, he believes a key to solving problems is not asking the end user or frontline worker (in his example, doctors) what the solution is, but to watch and listen to better understand the problem.
Reference: Wilt Chamberlain

How Emotion Influences Decision-Making (37:41)
Non-compliance can almost always be traced back to an emotion or belief-driving behavior. His work with the Northwestern Memorial’s Innovation Group studied emotional decision-making in diabetic patients and found ways to incentivize behavior change

Humans in Healthcare is produced by Shearwater Health in Nashville, TN, and hosted by Chief Marketing Officer, Nathan King.
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