Liz Canning is a bike rider, film maker, and mother.

Liz lives in Fairfax, California and raised her children with her cargo bike.  Through this experience she met many other mothers and advocates across the country that have had life changing experiences.   

Motherload Movie chronicles this movement and the societal repercussions that we need.  Bikes make us better humans.  Bikes make cities better.  This is awesomely important work  and in this episode we get into how we can make better cities and improve our connections to our community, family, and self in general.  

Listen and Enjoy!!



Motherload Movie

Liz Canning

League of American Bicyclist 

Dave Cohen BrattleBoro


We would absolutely love your feedback (seriously!) Please email [email protected], Tweet at HumanCityPod, or message on Instagram

Hosted By Stig Terrebonne

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