Previous Episode: Prologue
Next Episode: Minisode 1: An Odd Pair

Hey Sophs write an awesome summary here, I'm on Benadryl and useless but you're clever and awesome. Join Hughes and Mincks, founders of the coolest paranormal investigation station in town, on their very first case! In this episode, Hughes and Mincks face the terrifying world of spectral literature.


 This episode features Sophie Hughes and Caroline Mincks, and guest stars Alexander Doddy and Sawyer Greene as Chris Marlowe and Harold Shelley. This episode was written by Sophie Hughes, who also created the cover art and theme music. Ghost Writer was edited by Caroline Mincks Follow us on Twitter @HughesandMincks, @SophsTakeNotes, and @saucymincks. Follow our guest stars on Twitter @Alex_Doddy and @queer_elf_club