Chad Jensen and Zack Kelberman sift through the aftermath of the Broncos' third loss of the season. What were the positives? Where does this team need to make drastic improvement? Is Vic Fangio espousing the right message to the fans? The fellas also update the injury situation with Derek Wolfe and Josey Jewell, as well as take a peak at the Broncos' next three-game slate. SHOW NOTESTwitter ➡️ @HuddleUpPod, @ChadNJensen, @KelbermanNFLRegister as a (free) user for more Broncos coverage:

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Chad Jensen and Zack Kelberman sift through the aftermath of the Broncos' third loss of the season. What were the positives? Where does this team need to make drastic improvement? Is Vic Fangio espousing the right message to the fans? The fellas also update the injury situation with Derek Wolfe and Josey Jewell, as well as take a peak at the Broncos' next three-game slate.


Twitter ➡️ @HuddleUpPod, @ChadNJensen, @KelbermanNFL

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