Welcome to Episode 4 of HubShots!
Recorded: Wednesday 28 October 2015

In this episode we cover:

Shot 1: Inbound Thought of the Week
Sales enablement
Craig visited the Sydney HubSpot office
High calibre team, hiring takes time
Top Grading (useful book on hiring): – http://www.amazon.com/Topgrading-3rd-Promoting-Turbocharges-Performance-ebook/dp/B0074VTH02/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Shot 2: HubSpot Quirk of the Week
Email address logins seem to be case sensitive
Action item: if a user is having issues, check the case of their email addresses
Shot 3: Data Cleansing
Data cleansing – when should you clean out old contacts?
Action item: consider cleaning up your contact list, or perhaps running a ‘reconnect with cold contact’ workflow to re-engage
Shot 4: HubSpot Product Feature of the Week
the HubSpot Ads add-on now supports AUD
New: Captcha on forms: http://knowledge.hubspot.com/articles/kcs_article/forms/can-my-hubspot-form-use-captcha
Shot 5: HubSpot Tip of the Week
Forms sometimes don’t render in the correct place
Using a named div to place it: http://xen.com.au/hubspot-forms-rendering-issue-in-elcomcms/
Shot 6: Challenge of the week follow up / Tip of the week
Using Facebook CWA to test whether FB might be an option (a follow up to my challenge of the week from episode 2)
Action item: Tip for marketing managers who are interested in knowing whether FB might be a good option
Shot 7: Opinion of the week?
Social spamming: https://twitter.com/HubSpot/status/656264825035759616 (note also they’ve tweeted this many times before)
Social spamming?
Agree or disagree?
Action item: if you haven’t yet started on social, don’t wait for the perfect strategy, make a start, aim for incremental improvement
Action item: 20 minutes a day checklist: http://blog.hubspot.com/customers/social-media-daily-checklist
Shot 8: State Of Inbound report
State of Inbound report nuggets: http://www.stateofinbound.com/
Marketing section:
p44 North America leads in ROI tracking
Action item: put effort into getting tracking in place properly
Sales section
p49 “Executive buyers are not very trusting of salespeople. To regain credibility among executives, salespeople should arm themselves with content and become active on social networks.”
Action item: add value, make the effort to get context around prospects and opportunities
Shot 9: Sales Thought of the Week
What do you think of cold outreach? http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/email-outreach-elements-scripts
Action item: personalise, show relevance

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