This episode I describe the biology of two essential hormones we all make: cortisol and adrenaline (also called epinephrine). Cortisol and adrenaline powerfully regulate our levels of energy, focus and immune system function. I describe various science-supported tools and practices to increase or decrease cortisol and/or adrenaline, depending on one's specific needs and goals. I also describe the biology of nootropics, and how cortisol and adrenaline can improve or degrade learning. Finally, I review the scientific data and tools for timing the release of these hormones to improve memory, energy and immune system function.
Thank you to our sponsors
AG1 (Athletic Greens):
Supplements from Momentous
For the full show notes, visit
(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:05:41) Energy & Your Immune System, & Learning Faster
(00:08:34) Why & How Intermittent Fasting Increases Growth Hormone
(00:11:56) Why Your Stomach Growls
(00:13:09) Hot Baths & Hormones
(00:14:35) Energy, Adrenaline (Epinephrine), & Cortisol
(00:15:48) Cortisol & Cholesterol, Competition With Testosterone & Estrogen
(00:17:54) Adrenaline (Epinephrine) Is Your (Immune Systems) Best Friend
(00:18:48) Cortisol Basics In Two (Actually 1) Minute/s
(00:19:48) Adrenaline Basics In Two Minutes
(00:21:32) Tool: Time Your Cortisol Peak To Waking Using Specific Light Intensities
(00:27:20) Brief Increases In Cortisol & Adrenaline Boost Energy, Focus & Immunity
(00:30:04) Ways To Increase Adrenaline, Epinephrine & Cortisol & Why That Is Good
(00:35:00) Does Mindset During Stress Matter?
(00:36:15) Protocols: Adrenaline Breathing Described
(00:39:00) Practices To Increase Energy Without Increasing Stress
(00:45:00) Using Stressors to ENHANCE Our Immune System: Science & Tools
(00:55:11) Timing Thyroid Release For Energy
(00:57:02) Adrenaline/Stress Increase Performance & Memory. IF They Are After Learning
(01:02:45) An Optimal Learning Protocol
(01:03:20) Coffee Changes Your Brain & Increases Connectivity Of “Anxiety Circuits”
(01:05:43) Nootropics: Two Kinds, & How & Why They Work, “Neural Energy”
(01:09:00) Biology of Comfort Foods: From Negative to Positive Feedback Loops
(01:14:00) Bombesin: Energy Without Eating
(01:15:00) How Stress Makes Our Hair Gray, & How To Prevent Stress-Induced-Graying
(01:18:05) Blunting Chronic Cortisol, Including: Ashwagandha & Science Of
(01:25:50) Licorice Increases Cortisol & Blood Pressure, & Reduces Testosterone (by Glycyrrhizin)
(01:28:50) Apigenin: Anti-Cortisol
(01:29:53) Protocols For Optimizing Energy & Immune System Function (& Learning)
(01:37:00) When Fasting, Exercise, Cold & Intense Breathing Become Detrimental
(01:39:00) Prescription Compounds
(01:39:47) Tools For Accessing Alert & Calm States of “Energy”: Separating The Brain & Body
(01:42:11) Ways To Apply Knowledge Presented Today
(01:43:20) No-Cost Ways To Support Us, Feedback, Sponsors, Patreon, Partners, “Office Hours”
Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac

This episode I describe the biology of two essential hormones we all make: cortisol and adrenaline (also called epinephrine). Cortisol and adrenaline powerfully regulate our levels of energy, focus and immune system function. I describe various science-supported tools and practices to increase or decrease cortisol and/or adrenaline, depending on one's specific needs and goals. I also describe the biology of nootropics, and how cortisol and adrenaline can improve or degrade learning. Finally, I review the scientific data and tools for timing the release of these hormones to improve memory, energy and immune system function.

Thank you to our sponsors

AG1 (Athletic Greens):



Supplements from Momentous

For the full show notes, visit


(00:00:00) Introduction

(00:05:41) Energy & Your Immune System, & Learning Faster

(00:08:34) Why & How Intermittent Fasting Increases Growth Hormone

(00:11:56) Why Your Stomach Growls

(00:13:09) Hot Baths & Hormones

(00:14:35) Energy, Adrenaline (Epinephrine), & Cortisol

(00:15:48) Cortisol & Cholesterol, Competition With Testosterone & Estrogen

(00:17:54) Adrenaline (Epinephrine) Is Your (Immune Systems) Best Friend

(00:18:48) Cortisol Basics In Two (Actually 1) Minute/s

(00:19:48) Adrenaline Basics In Two Minutes

(00:21:32) Tool: Time Your Cortisol Peak To Waking Using Specific Light Intensities

(00:27:20) Brief Increases In Cortisol & Adrenaline Boost Energy, Focus & Immunity

(00:30:04) Ways To Increase Adrenaline, Epinephrine & Cortisol & Why That Is Good

(00:35:00) Does Mindset During Stress Matter?

(00:36:15) Protocols: Adrenaline Breathing Described

(00:39:00) Practices To Increase Energy Without Increasing Stress

(00:45:00) Using Stressors to ENHANCE Our Immune System: Science & Tools

(00:55:11) Timing Thyroid Release For Energy

(00:57:02) Adrenaline/Stress Increase Performance & Memory. IF They Are After Learning

(01:02:45) An Optimal Learning Protocol

(01:03:20) Coffee Changes Your Brain & Increases Connectivity Of “Anxiety Circuits”

(01:05:43) Nootropics: Two Kinds, & How & Why They Work, “Neural Energy”

(01:09:00) Biology of Comfort Foods: From Negative to Positive Feedback Loops

(01:14:00) Bombesin: Energy Without Eating

(01:15:00) How Stress Makes Our Hair Gray, & How To Prevent Stress-Induced-Graying

(01:18:05) Blunting Chronic Cortisol, Including: Ashwagandha & Science Of

(01:25:50) Licorice Increases Cortisol & Blood Pressure, & Reduces Testosterone (by Glycyrrhizin)

(01:28:50) Apigenin: Anti-Cortisol

(01:29:53) Protocols For Optimizing Energy & Immune System Function (& Learning)

(01:37:00) When Fasting, Exercise, Cold & Intense Breathing Become Detrimental

(01:39:00) Prescription Compounds

(01:39:47) Tools For Accessing Alert & Calm States of “Energy”: Separating The Brain & Body

(01:42:11) Ways To Apply Knowledge Presented Today

(01:43:20) No-Cost Ways To Support Us, Feedback, Sponsors, Patreon, Partners, “Office Hours”

Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac


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