Inspired by the bhavas of bhakti (Narada's Bhakti Sutra), I began to meditate upon the idea of Dasya (servanthood) verses Prati Vatsalya (relationship between child and parent). This offering will be dedicated to these two felt senses of relationship specifically. The reasoning for this is quite personal in my own understanding of worthiness. Can I, with all of my baggage and insecurities, come to rest in the knowing that I am a child of Kali Mā? Can I, through reasoning and Practice, begin to unravel the story that She is not burdened by me… but rather very deliberately created, chose, and called to me? Can I sever the fictitious character of Her I’ve created relative to my own mother? To do this requires the delving into both ideas: servitude contrasting parentage. Welcome home, let's dive deeper into the Mother's embrace. 

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