We're Only Human 29 - How to Improve Your Technical Recruiting

Host: Ben Eubanks

Guest: Kathleen Smith

In virtually every research study you see on talent acquisition trends and challenges, hiring technical talent shows up at the top of the list. It's not only a trend, because almost every company has a digital component today, but it's also a challenge: these candidates are hard to find, hard to source, and hard to convert into candidates. 

In today's conversation, Ben interviews Kathleen Smith, Chief Marketing Officer at ClearedJobs.net, about what separates those employers that get results with those that don't. Conversation centers around "old school" components that are still driving success for many employers, such as job fairs. Additionally, Kathleen gives a powerful piece of advice for both new and experienced recruiters about how to integrate with the community to build trust and a positive reputation.

With a market full of new, flashy, and sometimes overhyped recruiting technologies, this conversation takes recruiting back to its roots. If your company hires technical candidates like engineers, cybersecurity professionals, and other similar roles, then this show is going to give you some great insights into how to improve your results.

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