Recruiting, Mentoring, and Growth: Lessons from a Career in Pro Sports

Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish Steed

Guest: Lou DePaoli, Pesident of the Executive Search and Team Consulting Division at General Sports Worldwide

This episode of At Work in America is sponsored by Paychex, one of the leading providers of HR, payroll, retirement, and insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes. Even the most seasoned professional can easily be overwhelmed by the critical tasks that need to be done during year-end. Download the Paychex Year-End Checklist to get organized. In it you’ll find timely tips, important deadlines, and advice backed by decades of experience to help navigate this time of year, so you don’t lose momentum as you transition to 2024. Visit to download your copy, today. That's

This week on At Work in America, Lou DePaoli from General Sports Worldwide, joined us to discuss the intricate relationship between sports and the corporate world. With a wealth of experience in sports, executive recruiting, and leadership development, he offered profound insights into recruitment strategies, emphasizing the significance of culture fit in fostering successful careers. Our discussion on mentorship and its pivotal role in professional growth within the sports industry ended with an exploration of diversity in hiring and leadership.

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