HR Happy Hour 453 - Creating Great Customer Experiences in HR Technology

Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane

Guest: Chris Armstrong, Chief Customer Officer, Ceridian

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, we were joined by Chris Armstrong, Chief Customer Officer at Ceridian, to talk about the role of the Chief Customer Officer, and how it is important to have an integrated approach when supporting customers, particularly during difficult and challenging times. Chris shared how Ceridian has continued to help customers navigate the many challenges of 2020, and how an emphasis on building relationships based on trust and empathy prior to the pandemic, was a key factor in their ability to help customers over the last several months. 

Additionally, Chris shared some details on what to expect at the upcoming Ceridian Insights event, coming up November 16 - 18, 2020, where Ceridian customers will be sharing their stories and journeys along the way, and is free for anyone to attend. Learn more and register at 

This was a fun show, thanks for listening!

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