HR Happy Hour 440  - The Impact of Coronavirus on HR and the New Normal of Work

Hosts: Steve Boese

Guests: Jeanne Meister, Managing Partner, Future Workplace; Alison Stevens, Director of HR Services, Paychex

This episode of Happy Hour is made possible by Workhuman®, now introducing Moodtracker™, a FREE modern Voice of the Employee tool built by data scientists, making it fast, easy, and actionable to get to the heart of organizational issues. Learn more at

And thanks to Paychex, one of the leading providers of HR, payroll, retirement, and insurance solutions for businesses of all sizes. Paychex also hosts The HR Leadership Series podcast that provides insights around the latest trends in our profession, and it features a variety of expert guests and influencers, including the both of us! You can listen and subscribe at, or look for them on your favorite podcast platform

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, we are sharing a conversation with Jeanne Meister of Future Workplace and Alison Stevens from Paychex from a recent Human Resource Executive Ask HRE Live Stream hosted by Steve. On the show, we talked about how the ongoing Coronavirus crisis has challenged and stretched HR leaders, how organizations continue to adapt to this new normal, and how HR may evolve in the future, touching on Jeanne’s “HR Jobs of the Future” research. 

This was a really interesting show, thanks Jeanne and Alison and to our friends at HR Executive.

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