HR Happy Hour  300 - Taking Care of Employee Caregivers

Host : Steve Boese

Guest: Adam Goldberg, CEO and Founder, Torchlight

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve is joined by Adam Goldberg, CEO and Founder of Torchlight, an outcomes focused, employee caregiver platform that reduces the costs and complexities of modern caregiving for families and employers in the U.S. 

On the show, Adam talked about the growing challenge of caregiving in the US, the situation where employees have significant responsibilties outside of work with childcare, elder care, and other caregiving situations that require, time, attention, resources, and are a major source of life and work stress for employees.

About 1 in 6 employees in the US, (that is over 20 million employees), are facing these challenges, and the changing demographics of the US and the workforce only suggest these challenges are only going to increase, making the employer response to their workforce's needs and concerns in this area more important. It is a billion dollar challenge and problem for US employers.

Adam shared why this issue matters to him, and to workplaces, how employers have typically responded, (or not responded) in the past, and how modern, technology supported approaches, like the one developed by Torchlight can help employers and employees. 

This is a significant and growing problem in the workplace and for employees, and it was great to finally discuss this on the HR Happy Hour.

Learn more about these issues and about Torchlight at

Thanks to show sponsor Virgin Pulse -

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