HR Happy Hour 290 - Sports, HR, and the NBA Summer League

Host: Steve Boese

Guest: Matt 'akaBruno' Stollak

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve is joined by Matt 'akaBruno' Stollak to talk about the connections between HR, talent management, careers, the workplace and sports, through the lens of the NBA Summer League 2017.

Matt and Steve are charter members of 'The 8 Man Rotation' and co-authors of a series of E-books that take a deep dive into the lessons that HR and business leaders can take from pro, college, and truly all levels of sports.

On this show, Matt and Steve examine hiring biases, the importance of leadership setting an example and tone for the organization, (especially important for new leaders), and how sports and the Summer League in particular are a great metaphor and example for the 'always on' and 'always auditioning' tendencies of the growing gig economy.

This was a really fun show, we hope you enjoy it.

Thanks to HR Happy Hour show sponsor Virgin Pulse - learn more about them at

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