HR Happy Hour 199 - Employer Branding from the Inside Out 

Recorded Tuesday January 20, 2015

Hosts: Trish McFarlane, Steve Boese

Guest: Jason Seiden, CEO Brand Amper

In the latest HR Happy Hour Show, Trish and Steve welcomed back our friend Jason Seiden, CEO of Brand Amper, one of 2014's 'Awesome New Startup' technologies from the HR Technology Conference to get an update on what has been happening with Brand Amper, and to talk about engaging employees in the brand and mission of the organization. Often 'brand' initiatives are drawn up in corporate boardrooms or by expensive external consultants without much thought or acknowledgement of what the actual brand messengers and deliverers, the employees, think or feel or believe. Jason talks about the importance and power of leveraging actual employees and what they actually think and believe and aspire to in creating, communicating, and executing the brand promises and delighting customers.

Additionally, Trish and Steve lamented the sorry state of Email in the workplace, (it is NEVER going to die), and Jason shared why he wears the same black H&M shirt everywhere he goes. Steve is 100% with Jason on this strategy, while Trish has some concerns about the mental well-being of both of the gents.

Remember to subscribe to the show on ITunes, or for Android devices, using Stitcher Radio. Just search for 'HR Happy Hour' and subscribe to never miss a show.

This was a really fun show, and we hope you enjoy listening!