HR Happy Hour 176 - 'Big Bets for HR'

Recorded live at Oracle HCM World - Thursday February 6, 2014

In a special HR Happy Hour Show, hosts Trish McFarlane and Steve Boese were able to record live from Oracle HCM World event with Oracle's Bertrand Dussert, VP of HR Transformation and one of the sharpest guys around when it comes to understanding modern HR, and the critical role of technology in that transformation to modern HR.

Bertrand has had a great and varied career as an HR practitioner and executive, which sets him apart from many of the typical HR software company execs you'll encounter. He knows the challenges that come with being an HR and business leader playing in the big leagues, and can lend this expertise and insight to the clients he works with in his role as a trusted advisor for Oracle.

In the show, we talked with Bertrand on some of the most interesting technological trends and the opportunities they will present - the 'Big Bets for HR' as it were. We hit upon wearable devices, the internet of things, predictive analytics and more. And at every turn Bertrand helps us break down the topic and see what it all might mean for HR leaders in the future.

It was a really fun, lively, and quick 30 minutes or so, and I hope you take some time this week to check out the show.

Thanks again to Bertrand and to everyone over at Oracle for making it possible to record the HR Happy Hour live and on site from Oracle HCM World.