
Joe Callender, Ernst & Young executive director of quantitative economics and statistics

Ken Nagle, Ernst & Young senior manager

Jennifer Kraszewski, Paycom vice president of human resources

In a recently updated Ernst & Young report, researchers found that performing HR tasks manually – or not allowing employees access to enter their own information – now costs an average of $4.51 for every point of data entry, up from $4.39 since we spoke with them in 2018.

With the cost of manual HR tasks rising, what is keeping organizations from making the move to self-service technology? And how can incorporating HR technology streamline processes to achieve efficiencies?

In this episode of HR Break Room®, host Caleb Masters talks with Jennifer Kraszewski, Paycom’s vice president of HR, followed by Ernst & Young’s Joe Callender and Ken Nagle to discuss: 

how Ernst & Young’s study concluded a single data entry costs $4.51 why many organizations may be hesitant to adopt self-service HR technology how manual HR tasks slow productivity and cost organizations how Paycom’s Direct Data Exchange™ uses the numbers in the study to give HR professionals the tools they need to present themselves as strategic business partners


To learn more about how HR technology frees HR from manual processes, read our white paper, Every Second Counts and Costs … Why Everyone Should Use HR Tech.